How do you understand women?

That's a question that often arises when we try to empathize with women, often we don't understand women, when we care we don't understand it until now !!! ? Then how can we understand women? It is not easy to understand, but there are some tips that we must do - not to think about, from what we do we will evaluate so that we will understand the character of women. This character that we will capture, as our grip because it will underlie the path of starry, behave, emotional nature and so on. The point is how to understand women by looking for female characters.
First, what we are trying to find is what is the woman's hobby, how? You know better how to get information from a woman, because you are the one closest to her, if you don't know her friend's questions, if you want to be more valid ask her directly, with 1000 good communication, of course by talking, remembering the past, or what most open is to ask directly what his hobbies are. From this hobby we try to capture the character of the woman, because hobbies are a pleasure for someone, hobbies can forget everything, hobbies are actions that will underlie someone's character. An example is a woman who likes to embroider, at least we know that the character of the woman is patient, motherly, firm, independent and so on. Why can we capture that character? because by embroidering we need patience, tenacity, special time, and very feminine. The way to understand a woman is to "look back" what has happened so far with her.
The point is the previous communications with him, the easy thing is to remember the conflicts that have occurred, still remember it? the goal is that we can understand his character when facing a problem, what he did when he first got the problem, I called "the first time-date" the meaning was the first reaction when he felt the conflict, whether he cried, did he remain calm, did he was tense, was he angry right away, was he emotional and so on.
If you still don't find a conflict that happened in the past, try to do a "problem test", the point is that you make a problem but know the risks and know how to solve the problem, if you can solve it yourself, do it, if not ask for help from a third person that you believe. But if you feel hesitant to do the above, I suggest you don't do it. What's safer is there, that is, you give a surprise to him.
You see the expression of the surprise you gave. Certainly not once, to do it and understand the character. Do a few surprises, from which you can find out the character. Why do I suggest several times? Not once? because you don't be fooled by your own conclusions. This surprise tip won't mean if it's done once because it won't cause a character. But not too often, because it will cause boredom and boredom. All the writing above is one way that might not represent all of them, for those who have not found it, please try the previous or next tip.
You communicate with a third person, meaning that you can know your female character from her close friend, her best friend, or even from her family. Why not? You don't have to be ashamed to know everything, because there is a positive side of meeting with friends or family, you really want to marry a woman close to you? but do you not want to get a bonus close to friends and family. By meeting them your life will be more colorful and beautiful, the meaning is that there is a good meeting causing friendship, quarrels, tension, do you think it does not color your life? try to see if your life is more colorful with that.
If the writing above is even harder for you to do, another tip is that you can communicate with your own friend, you can discuss with him. What should be discussed? there are many things that you can ask him, but the most effective is knowing the course of his life, how to communicate with women, relating to women? and so on, because that will be the "best teacher" for you. You don't have to do it right? take lessons from his life, of course the good you do that is not good make a mirror of your life.
Ok Be thankful for those of you who have found the character of a woman near you, for those we have not yet tried with this article hopefully useful. What you have to understand is that men and women are different? You already know, of course, but what I mean is that you really understand that you are different in nature, behavior, treatment, actions and don't try to change your female character because you will be disappointed? what you can do is do what you do best because without realizing it he will imitate your actions, this is not hope but this is a bonus from characters that sometimes appear sometimes not.
So don't expect it. So if there are no useful tips for you, I apologize, because that's the best I can give you. Give criticism and suggestions to me because it will be useful for me and be a protector and barrier for me to do good and better. The level of b + (be positive) causes me to be happy?

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