At the beginning of the development of Greek philosophical thought, it seemed to be solely dealing with the physical world. Cosmology clearly outperforms investigations in other branches of philosophy. • The Milesian School develops physical philosophy. The Pythagorean School develops mathematical philosophy. This flow argues that the qualitative elements of the cosmos are derived from quantitative elements, namely numbers. This school also pays deep attention to human problems, but especially from a religious angle in a closed group where they live. . Eleatik thinkers became the first to outline the ideals of logic. They assert that only ratios can open the way to the right and real. . Heraklitos stood at the boundary line between cosmological thought and anthropological thought. He rejected the concept of There being proposed by the Eleatik School.
For him, sensory recognition is a trusted starting point even though he highly upholds the ratio (logos) as the ability to recognize, but the ratio is the same as moving and involved in the process of being like everything that exists. Protagoras, a sophist, said that it is not there that determines our knowledge, but our defining recognition. So it is not objectivism, but subjectivism. Therefore, he argues that "man is the benchmark for everything". Although they are classified as natural philosophers, Heraklitos was convinced that it was impossible to explore the secrets of nature without studying the secrets of humans. We must meet the demands for self-knowledge if we want to continue to master reality and understand its meaning. Therefore Heraklitos calls his entire philosophy with two emeotonous edizesamen ("Me looking for myself ").
But this new thinking tendency, only mature in Socrates 'time, so that the question of humanity is a standard that distinguishes Socrates' thinking from pre-Socrates. Socrates' very famous phrase is "recognize yourself".
Man is a creature who constantly seeks himself and who at all times must test and examine carefully the conditions of his existence. Socrates said in Apologia, "Life that is not studied" is a life that is not worth living. For Socrates, humans are creatures who, when highlighted by rational questions, can answer rationally too. According to Socrates, human nature is not determined by external additions, it depends solely on self-assessment or on the value it gives to itself. All things "added from the outside" to humans are empty and empty. Wealth, rank, fame and even health or intelligence are all not essential (adiaphoron). The only problem is the deepest tendency of attitude in the human heart. Conscience is "things that cannot make a human self worse, neither can they hurt him from both inside and outside.

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