Radical feminism

This trend has emerged since the mid-1970s where it offers an ideology of "the struggle for female separatism". In its history, this flow emerged as a reaction to sexism or social domination based on sex in the West in the 1960s, mainly against sexual violence and the pornography industry. Understanding male oppression of women is a fact in the current community system. And this movement is according to its "radical" name. This flow rests on the view that oppression of women occurs as a result of the patriarchal system. The female body is the main object of oppression by male power.
Therefore, radical feminism disputes, among others, the body and reproductive rights, sexuality (including lesbianism), sexism, male and female power relations, and private-public dichotomy. "The personal is political" becomes a brand-new idea that can reach women's issues to the private domain, a problem that is considered the most taboo to be brought to the surface. Information or bad views (black propaganda) are aimed at radical feminists. In fact, because of his experience in uncovering these private issues, Indonesia currently has a Republic of Indonesia Law no. 23 concerning Elimination of Domestic Violence (UU PKDRT).

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