Liberal feminism

What is called Liberal Feminism is the view to placing women who have full and individual freedom. This flow states that freedom and equality are rooted in rationality and the separation between the private world and the public. Every human being - according to them - has the capacity to think and act rationally, as well as for women. The root of oppression and dependence on women is due to the fault of the woman herself. Women must prepare themselves so that they can compete in the world in the framework of "free competition" and have an equal position with men. This sect figure is Naomi Wolf, as "Strength Feminism" which is a solution.
Now women have the power in terms of education and income, and women must continue to demand equal rights and the time is now that women are free to desire without dependence on men. Liberal feminism seeks to make women aware that they are oppressed. The work done by women in the domestic sector is campaigned as unproductive and places women in sub-ordinate positions. The materialistic culture of American society, measuring everything from matter, and individualism strongly supports the success of feminism. Women are herded out of the house, careers freely and are no longer dependent on men. The root of this theory rests on freedom and equality of rationality.
Women are rational beings, their abilities are the same as men, so they must be given the same rights as men. The problem lies in the product of a gender-biased state policy. Therefore, in the 18th century there was often a demand that women get the same education, in the 19th century there were many efforts to fight for civil and economic rights for women, and in the 20th century women's organizations began to be formed to oppose sexual discrimination in the political, social economic and personal. In the Indonesian context, legal reform with a perspective of justice through 30% quota pressure for women in parliament is a contribution from liberal feminist experience.

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