Modern Islamic anarchism and the internet

In recent years, there have been many discussions discussing concepts from the teachings of Anarchist Islam, especially held by a Muslim punk from America, Michael Knight. But there is rarely evidence of the existence of a portal from Muslim Anarchists, until June 20, 2005, Yakoub Islam, a Muslim from Britain, activated his online portal called Muslim Anarchist Charter [2]. The portal writes the basic principles of anarchism and the similarities of behavior applied in the view of Muslims.
This brings together several core principles of Islamic teachings, including belief in God, the sanctity of the Prophet Muhammad, and the sanctity of the human soul. It is also written the possibility that the spiritual path of a Muslim can only be achieved by refusing to cooperate with the power of institutions with all its forms, including courts, social institutions, religious institutions, trading companies and political parties.
Every Muslim is required to establish social cooperation in which spiritual development is shunned from tyranny, differences in social status, and far from indifference to fellow human beings. This belief is a serious matter from the basic principle of uncompromising, which is developed from a utopian vision which wants people to live in peace and cooperate with each other, beliefs in Islamic teachings and political paths from the anarchist ideology that make Islamic equality and anarchism strong.
Yakoub declared himself to be an anarchist Muslim (or an Muslim anarchist), rather than calling him an Islamic anarchist, because he was aware of the diversity in the Muslim community, with some findings by anthropologists who said there was only one Islam. And of course there is only one anarchism. is a political understanding that upholds absolute power without democracy. In this sense, nationalism which is very fanatical and also authoritarian is very obvious. The word fascism is taken from the Italian language, fascio, itself from Latin, fascia, which means a bundle of wooden stems.
This wood tie then had an ax and in the era of the Roman Empire was brought before high officials. This fascist is a symbol of the power of government officials. In the 20th century, fascism emerged in Italy in the form of Benito Mussolini. Meanwhile in Germany, there was also an understanding that could still be related to fascism, namely Nazism led by Adolf Hitler. Nazism is different from Italian fascism because what is emphasized is not only nationalism, but even very strong racism and racism. So strong was nationalism that they slaughtered other nations which were considered inferior.

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