Culture of Glass Screen Hardness

The creation of television and the widespread use of electronic media tools in the community, make television the most important information media among the various countries of the world. On the one hand, television can be a good source of information and play an important role in improving education and the level of public thought, while also being an entertainment that can eliminate various social stresses. Television can also be a positive educational tool for children. Although the use of television has been tried as well as possible, unfortunately these steps are still far from expected. In the West, this electronic media has gradually turned into a powerful tool to fuel the culture of violence and sexual freedom, thus inviting protests from social observers and scholars.
Today, television in Western countries is dominated by arrogant capitalists who are concerned only with personal gain. They have become richer and more successful through this television business, but they have not used it for the purpose of enlightening and raising awareness for the community, but even trying to lull the public and make them forget the reality. The television capitalists have made people addicted to watching television programs. In the United States, one-third of the population watches television more than 4 hours. According to observers of communication problems, viewers with an average viewing period of four hours a day are included in extreme and professional viewers. For this reason, when this electronic media aired scenes of violence and crime in its programs, the community was swept away by its powerful influence.
For years, parents and education experts in the United States wanted various mass media, especially television, to reduce the sides of violence and various low-quality programs in moral terms and replace them with shows that gave education and moral teaching. But unfortunately, day after day, this electronic media in Uncle Sam's country has even intensified the screening of scenes of violence and various low moral programs.
One television in the US shows this fact in a report on statistics. Based on the report, in 1999, sexual-themed programs on television tripled compared to the previous 10 years. Meanwhile, from 1989 to 1999, television programs related to homosexuality had increased by 24%. Furthermore, this report also shows that the use of dirty and disgusting sentences during 1989 to 1999 has increased 5.5-fold. In addition, scenes of violence and pornography are also exhibited more clearly and openly.
In an observation and study of three major US television channels namely CBS, NBC and ABC, it was noted that the three televisions weekly screened 113 scenes of sexual abuse, 92 scenes of assault using firearms, 9 scenes of murder, 78 scenes of fighting using jotosan and kick, and 179 scenes of violation of law. Other statistical figures also show that US society spends its day with television programs that broadcast scenes of violence and sexual abuse. Such shows are not limited to films, but most television reports and advertisements also display pornographic images.
Views of scenes of excessive violence on US television have led to increased fights and strife within the country's society. George Grabner and Terry Grose, two television problem researchers in America, concluded that television viewers who were already addicted felt they were living in a frightening world so they felt very scared to face the real world. Therefore, they have very little contact with their neighbors and community. If we pay attention to the behavior of US people, we can easily see the magnitude of fear in their souls and a sense of disbelief in others. They installed excessive safety systems in homes, trade centers and other places. This shows that US citizens really feel that they are in danger.
Scenes that are low moral and full of sexual harassment are scenes that very often appear on Western television, especially America. The televisions in airing scenes that arouse sexual arousal and passion, both in films and in advertisements, have absolutely no time. As a result, a culture that is full of ethics based on religion in society is eliminated. Based on a survey, 75% of US people believe that television has aired pornographic scenes without going through censorship. In addition, 85% of them recognize that moral norms in the order of the society of Uncle Sam's country have been severely damaged.
No doubt, the screening of sex scenes and violence in television will have a negative influence on children and adolescents. They generally spend time watching television while making this television media a mirror and their example. Based on research by a psychology institution in the US, children in this country before completing elementary school have seen 8,000 murder scenes and 100 thousand violent scenes on television shows on average. These numbers will double when they turn 18 years old.
Leonard Irwin, a psychology lecturer at Illinois University, United States, and his team had conducted a lengthy study on this issue. He found that children who at the age of 8 had witnessed television acts of violence, when they reached adulthood, they tended not to be reluctant to commit evil and cruel acts, did not have compassion for young children even against their wives own.
Witnessing pornographic scenes that arouse lust can also cause acceleration in the age of baligh in children. A well-known US scientist and information media expert named Neil Postman in his book entitled "The passing of childhood, also emphasizes this issue. According to Postman, taboo shows on television can cause American children to lose the beauty of childhood because they have already understood various problems relating to adults early. Postman stressed, childhood in the United States day by day felt increasingly short. Based on a 1995 poll of children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 16 who watched television shows, it was found that they had more sexual intercourse, were not respectful of their parents, were lying, and behaved rudely.
The broadcast of violent and sexual acts in US mass media, especially television, has caused the country's people to be hit by a wave of crime and insecurity. The British weekly magazine The Sunday Times wrote, "Although the US has 440 thousand general police, every hour there are two murders, 194 armed thefts, 10 rape cases against women and children, and 600 thefts in homes." Under conditions people like this, Hollywood can be considered as the forerunner to the emergence of the culture of sex and violence in the US. Even Arnold Schwazzeneger, who is a symbol of violence in US films, actually succeeded in being chosen as the Governor of California, one of the most important states in America. These alarming conditions not only endanger the US nation itself, but also endanger the world community given the large spread of US-produced films throughout the world.

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