Play Functions for the Brain

Playing closely with the lives and daily lives of children. many even say, the world of children is the world of play. Even adults are longing for being children when imagining the fun of playing. Actually, is it playing it!
Playing is an activity carried out repeatedly for pleasure, both with purpose and without purpose. From this definition, an absolute requirement when a child does an activity called play is that the activity he performs creates a pleasant effect on the child.
But it turns out, pleasant feelings are only one small part of the benefits that children get from playing activities. Because through playing, children can develop all aspects of their development. For children, playing is learning. When adults build their knowledge through reading, the child builds his knowledge through playing. through various kinds of play activities, children exercise their physical and motoric abilities, mature emotions and hone their social skills, facilitate communication, and develop their cognition.
Playing is a child's need and can be done anytime, anywhere, with anyone, using anything. Children can even enjoy the fun of playing just by using their imagination. Happiness and the benefits of playing for children are only obtained if the child likes to do it, and so that the child is happy to do it, the initiative to do play activities must come from the child. An activity can only be said to play activity if the child decides what he will play and how to play it.
Play activities for children which are natural self-expressions and have healing effects with the existence of catharsis and compensation, making playing activities now develop into therapeutic methods. Play therapy has been used extensively in Europe and America, and the last 10 years have begun to be developed in Indonesia. Play therapy can be used to overcome emotional problems with various symptoms, especially in children aged 3-12 years. Piaget, a child development expert, believes that through the use of symbols in play, children can dilute situations that cannot be accepted by way of returning to their imagination. So, just let the child enjoy the pleasure of playing.

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