Know Vertigo

Just what is vertigo?The term vertigo, dizziness or also called, giddiness, and lightheadedness is the sensation of movement or sense of motion of the body or the surrounding environment with other symptoms that arise, especially of the autonomic network caused by irritation of the body balance by various conditions or diseases.
Vertigo is a feeling as if the patient moves or rotates, or as if the objects around the patient moves or rotates, which is usually accompanied by nausea and loss of balance. This can take several minutes to several hours, even days. Vertigo sufferers feel better when lying still, however, an attack of vertigo may continue even if the patient does not move at all.Actually it any symptoms of vertigo? Symptoms of vertigo include: 1. Dizziness 2. The head feels light 3. Sense of floating, swinging 4. Nausea 5. A cold sweat 6. Pale 7. Vomiting 8. Stagger time standing or walking 9. NystagmusThe symptoms above can be intensified by changing the position of the head.
Then, there is what kind of vertigo that?Broadly speaking, there are two, namely peripheral vertigo and central vertigo. This division is intended to provide management or appropriate therapy.Peripheral VertigoPeripheral vertigo (peripheral vertigo) caused by dysfunction of the peripheral structure to the brain stem (brain stem). Some conditions that can cause peripheral vertigo, among others: 1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 2. Drug-induced vertigo (vertigo caused by drugs) 3. Labyrinthitis 4. Ménière's disease5. Vestibular neuritis Management For peripheral vertigo, the doctor will give antihistamines, anticholinergics, antiemetics, and benzodiazepines. Central VertigoCentral vertigo (central vertigo) involves the disease process affecting the brain stem (brain stem) or cerebellum. 
Some diseases that can cause central vertigo include: 1. Acoustic schwannomas or meningiomas2. Cerebellar pontine angle tumors3. Cerebellar infarction4. Cerebellar hemorrhage5. Vertebrobasilar insufficiencyManagementFor central vertigo, your doctor will advise you immediately see a neurologist (neurologist) and also to neurological surgeon (neurosurgeon) if necessaryThen, what are the differences between them?Well, here's a few things that differentiate peripheral vertigo with central vertigo:
1. Peripheral Vertigo beronset acute (short time or fast attack occurred), while the central vertigo beronset chronic or slowly (gradual). In other words, the duration of symptoms in peripheral vertigo occurs in a matter of minutes, daily, weekly, but recurrent (recurrent).
2. Common causes of peripheral vertigo is infection (labyrinthitis), Ménière's, neuronitis, ischemia, trauma, toxins. Common causes of central vertigo is vascular, demyelinating, neoplasms.
3. The intensity of moderate to severe peripheral vertigo, central vertigo while mild to moderate.
4. Nausea (nausea) and vomiting (vomiting) are common in peripheral vertigo and rarely occurs in central vertigo.
5. Peripheral Vertigo is generally associated with the position (positionally related), while the central vertigo is rarely associated with the position.
6. Loss of hearing (hearing loss) to hearing loss (deafness) commonly occurs in peripheral vertigo and rarely occurs in central vertigo.
7. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) often accompanies peripheral vertigo. In central vertigo, usually not accompanied by tinnitus.
8. In the peripheral vertigo no neurological deficit. Neurological deficit (neurologic deficits) are common in central vertigo.
9. nystagmus in peripheral vertigo is fatigable, rotating (rotary) or horizontal, and is inhibited by ocular fixation, whereas the nature of nystagmus in central vertigo is nonfatigable, many directions (multidirectional), is not inhibited by ocular fixation.Are there any drugs that can cause vertigo?There. Some drugs can cause vertigo, among others: 1. Group aminoglycosides 2. Furosemide 3. Group NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), especially indomethacin.4. cytotoxic agents, eg cisplatin. 5. anticonvulsants (anticonvulsants), eg phenytoin, carbamazepine,and ethosuccinate.
From your question, we found two key phrase "... feel confused / would fall after or are driving a motor vehicle" and "very painful". Most likely it refers to peripheral vertigo. I guess you have not mentioned to complete: is also accompanied by a spinning sensation, taste like deafness or hearing loss, minimal hearing loss, nausea, vomiting want, how long / how often have you experienced it (for example: already a week, a month, year), if you (routine) taking certain drugs before driving a motorcycle / car.So, what's the solution?Our advice, drink only Antimo (drug name, trademark) or dimenhydrinate (name drugs, generic) at a dose of 25 mg (1 tablet 50 mg), which is half a tablet. Should be consumed half an hour (30 minutes) before traveling when used to prevent vertigo. It should be noted, when driving a car, do not ever swallow the tablet whole. Oh yeah, to get generic drugs, you should consult your doctor first.
Other endeavor, try to always pray before and after riding a motorcycle / car, do not drive a motorcycle / car in a state of drowsiness, when will drive a bike / car, try to calm your mind, relax the body-about 5 minutes, multiply that eating fruits and vegetables, supplements vitamin E, not in a hurry (kemrungsung-Java), limit eating chocolate.Are there any traditional drug therapies (herbal) for vertigo?There are, namely: cinnamon (Cinnamoman Burmani). 
Cinnamon contains a volatile oil, safrole, sinamadehide, eugenol, tannins, resins, calcium oksanat, and substance tanner. Nature is warm, spicy, fragrant, and slightly sweet.Indonesian cinnamon or cinnamon China can be purchased at drug stores. Both are equally efficacious. To cinnamon China, can be directly brewed and drunk.Potions for vertigo sufferers:1 finger cinnamon, 10 grams trengguli acid, 60 grams of corn silk, and 30 grams of celery, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. The water is filtered and dinimum while warm.
Other ingredients: cinnamon same mother finger, red ginger 15 grams, 5 grams of nutmeg, 5 grains of cardamom, cloves item 5, and 4 leaves duck bill. Boil the mixture with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc water. After that, the cooking water is filtered and drunk.According to Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma, cinnamon efficacious for gout, high blood pressure, heartburn, loss of appetite, headache (including vertigo), colds, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, gernia, constipation, asthma, ulcers , painful urination, and others. Additionally, cinnamon does have the required pharmacological effect in medicine. The bark, leaves, and roots can be used as antirheumatic drugs, laxative sweat (diaphoretik), laxative fart (carminative), increased appetite, and relieve pain.
Just what is vertigo?The term vertigo, dizziness or also called, giddiness, and lightheadedness is the sensation of movement or sense of motion of the body or the surrounding environment with other symptoms that arise, especially of the autonomic network caused by irritation of the body balance by various conditions or diseases.Vertigo is a feeling as if the patient moves or rotates, or as if the objects around the patient moves or rotates, which is usually accompanied by nausea and loss of balance. This can take several minutes to several hours, even days. Vertigo sufferers feel better when lying still, however, an attack of vertigo may continue even if the patient does not move at all.
Actually it any symptoms of vertigo?Symptoms of vertigo include:1. Dizziness2. The head feels light3. Sense of floating, swinging4. Nausea5. A cold sweat6. Pale7. Vomiting8. Stagger time standing or walking9. NystagmusThe symptoms above can be intensified by changing the position of the head.Then, there is what kind of vertigo that?Broadly speaking, there are two, namely peripheral vertigo and central vertigo. This division is intended to provide management or appropriate therapy.Peripheral VertigoPeripheral vertigo (peripheral vertigo) caused by dysfunction of the peripheral structure to the brain stem (brain stem). Some conditions that can cause peripheral vertigo, among others:1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo2. Drug-induced vertigo (vertigo caused by drugs)3. Labyrinthitis4. Ménière's disease5. Vestibular neuritisManagementFor peripheral vertigo, the doctor will give antihistamines, anticholinergics, antiemetics, and benzodiazepines.Central VertigoCentral vertigo (central vertigo) involves the disease process affecting the brain stem (brain stem) or cerebellum. 
Some diseases that can cause central vertigo include:1. Acoustic schwannomas or meningiomas2. Cerebellar pontine angle tumors3. Cerebellar infarction4. Cerebellar hemorrhage5. Vertebrobasilar insufficiencyManagementFor central vertigo, your doctor will advise you immediately see a neurologist (neurologist) and also to neurological surgeon (neurosurgeon) if necessaryThen, what are the differences between them?Well, here's a few things that differentiate peripheral vertigo with central vertigo: 1. Peripheral Vertigo beronset acute (short time or fast attack occurred), while the central vertigo beronset chronic or slowly (gradual). In other words, the duration of symptoms in peripheral vertigo occurs in a matter of minutes, daily, weekly, but recurrent (recurrent). 2. Common causes of peripheral vertigo is infection (labyrinthitis), Ménière's, neuronitis, ischemia, trauma, toxins. Common causes of central vertigo is vascular, demyelinating, neoplasms. 3. The intensity of moderate to severe peripheral vertigo, central vertigo while mild to moderate.4. Nausea (nausea) and vomiting (vomiting) are common in peripheral vertigo and rarely occurs in central vertigo.  5. Peripheral Vertigo is generally associated with the position (positionally related), while the central vertigo is rarely associated with the position. 6. Loss of hearing (hearing loss) to hearing loss (deafness) commonly occurs in peripheral vertigo and rarely occurs in central vertigo. 7. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) often accompanies peripheral vertigo. In central vertigo, usually not accompanied by tinnitus. 8. In the peripheral vertigo no neurological deficit. Neurological deficit (neurologic deficits) are common in central vertigo. 9. nystagmus in peripheral vertigo is fatigable, rotating (rotary) or horizontal, and is inhibited by ocular fixation, whereas the nature of nystagmus in central vertigo is nonfatigable, many directions (multidirectional), is not inhibited by ocular fixation.Are there any drugs that can cause vertigo?There. 
Some drugs can cause vertigo, among others:1. Group aminoglycosides2. Furosemide3. Group NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), especially indomethacin.4. cytotoxic agents, eg cisplatin.5. anticonvulsants (anticonvulsants), eg phenytoin, carbamazepine,and ethosuccinate.From your question, we found two key phrase "... feel confused / would fall after or are driving a motor vehicle" and "very painful". Most likely it refers to peripheral vertigo. 
I guess you have not mentioned to complete: is also accompanied by a spinning sensation, taste like deafness or hearing loss, minimal hearing loss, nausea, vomiting want, how long / how often have you experienced it (for example: already a week, a month, year), if you (routine) taking certain drugs before driving a motorcycle / car.So, what's the solution?Our advice, drink only Antimo (drug name, trademark) or dimenhydrinate (name drugs, generic) at a dose of 25 mg (1 tablet 50 mg), which is half a tablet. Should be consumed half an hour (30 minutes) before traveling when used to prevent vertigo. It should be noted, when driving a car, do not ever swallow the tablet whole. Oh yeah, to get generic drugs, you should consult your doctor first.Other endeavor, try to always pray before and after riding a motorcycle / car, do not drive a motorcycle / car in a state of drowsiness, when will drive a bike / car, try to calm your mind, relax the body-about 5 minutes, multiply that eating fruits and vegetables, supplements vitamin E, not in a hurry (kemrungsung-Java), limit eating chocolate.
Are there any traditional drug therapies (herbal) for vertigo?There are, namely: cinnamon (Cinnamoman Burmani). Cinnamon contains a volatile oil, safrole, sinamadehide, eugenol, tannins, resins, calcium oksanat, and substance tanner. Nature is warm, spicy, fragrant, and slightly sweet.Indonesian cinnamon or cinnamon China can be purchased at drug stores. Both are equally efficacious. 
To cinnamon China, can be directly brewed and drunk.Potions for vertigo sufferers:1 finger cinnamon, 10 grams trengguli acid, 60 grams of corn silk, and 30 grams of celery, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. The water is filtered and dinimum while warm.Other ingredients: cinnamon same mother finger, red ginger 15 grams, 5 grams of nutmeg, 5 grains of cardamom, cloves item 5, and 4 leaves duck bill. Boil the mixture with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc water. 
After that, the cooking water is filtered and drunk.According to Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma, cinnamon efficacious for gout, high blood pressure, heartburn, loss of appetite, headache (including vertigo), colds, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, gernia, constipation, asthma, ulcers , painful urination, and others. Additionally, cinnamon does have the required pharmacological effect in medicine. The bark, leaves, and roots can be used as antirheumatic drugs, laxative sweat (diaphoretik), laxative fart (carminative), increased appetite, and relieve pain.

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