Patience: The Key to Emotional Intelligence (1)

Understanding patience is courageous without complaining in the face of temptations and obstacles in a certain period of time in order to achieve goals. In religion, patience is one among the stations (maqamat) of religion, and one rung of the ladder of a salik in drawing closer to Allah. The maqamat religious structure consists of (1) Knowledge (ma`arif) which can be considered as a tree, (2) attitude (ahwal) which can be assumed as a branch, and (3) deeds (charity) which can be assumed as fruit. One can be patient if the maqamat is structured in him. Patience can be physical, it can also be psychological. Because patience means the ability to control emotions, the name of the patient varies depending on the object.
1.      Fortitude confronts disaster, called patience, the opposite is restlessness (jaza`) and complaining (hala`)
2.      Patience facing the temptation of life is called pleasure, able to resist diiri (dlobth an Nafs), the opposite is not prisoner (bathar).
3.      Patience in war is called brave, the opposite is called a coward
4.      Patience in resisting anger is called santun (hilm), the opposite is called tazammur
5.      Patience in the face of a tense disaster is called the chest, the opposite is called the narrow chest.
6.      Patience in hearing gossip is called being able to hide secrets (katum).
7.      Patience with luxury is called zuhud, the opposite is called greedy, loba (al hirsh).
8.      Patience in accepting a little called rich heart (qana`ah), the opposite is called greed, greed (syarahun)

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