The Dangers of Liberal Firqah

1) They are not voicing Islamic praise from God, but voicing the thoughts that Devil, the West and the other Thaghut pan.
2) They prefer the attributes of the wicked than the degrees of faith because they hate the words of jihad, sunnah, salaf and others and they are willing to call it Islam with Liberal Islam. Allah says:
"The worse of the call is the poor (call) after the faith". (QS. Al-Hujurat 11)
3) They believe in some of the contents of the Qur'an and dubiously reject others, so that their rejection seems polite and ilmiyah they create a "new path" in interpreting the Qur'an. They call it the Contextual Tafsir, Tafsir Hermeneutik, Critical Tafsir and Liberal Tafsir
For example, Musthofa Mahmud in his book al-Tafsir al-Ashri 1i al
The Qur'aan interpreted the verse (-Faq tho'u aidiyahumaa) with "then broke the attempt to steal them by giving compensation and satisfying their needs." (Syeikh Mansyhur Hasan Salman, in Surabaya, Monday 4 Muharram 1423).
And this kind of interpretation is also followed in Indonesia. So why should the Messenger of Allah say:
"What I am most worried about is that the hypocrites are good at speaking, he argues with the Qur'an."
These are the ones who are destroying this religion. For those who understand only rely on the norms of the normative religious texts and the forms of the earliest form of Islamic History of Formalism are insufficient and this religion will become an ahistorist and exclusive religion (Syamsul Arifin; Liberation of Islamic Authenticity. -2002). They forgot that this kind of attitude was threatened by God:
"And whoever opposes the Messenger after the truth is revealed to him, and follow the path which is not the way of the believers, We let him freely from the error he had overtaken and We put him into Hell, and Hell is the worst place to return. " (QS An-Nisaa '115).
4) They have no ulama and do not believe in scholarly science. They are more believers in their own desires, because they claim to be "reformers" even "super-reformers" that are neo modernists. God said:
And when it is said to them, "Do not make mischief in the land," they replied, "We are the ones who make repairs." Remember, they are the ones who make the damages, but they are not aware. When it is said to them, "Believe as the others believe," they replied, "Let us trust as the fool has believed." Remember, they are indeed stupid people, but they do not know. (QS. Al-Baqarah 11-13).
5) Their ideals are similar to the American ideals, making Turkey a model for the entire Muslim nation. Prof. Dr. John L. Esposito asserted that America will not be willing before all Muslim countries perform like Turkey.
6) They divide Muslims because their ideas are bid'ah and every bid'ah must be broken down.
7) They have an educational base that generates liberal thinkers, have enough media and international networks and sufficient funds.
8) They have no clear manhaj so their ideas seem to be "asbunn" and the origin of "comot" See only Charless Kurzman's book, Rasyid Ridha the salafi (revivalis) is included in the liberal group, as well as Muhammad Nashir (the Masyumi figure) and Yusuf Qardhawi Ihwan al-Muslimin figure). The danger is that they can not be silent, but silent they are gold, it is so hard to hold oral jihad. Will not be able to do it except a believer.
"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day let him say good or let him be silent." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
(See Husain al-Uwaisyah: 9 onwards).
Ahlul has always blasphemed the power to host the ahlul haq. Allah ta'ala says:
"As for those who disbelieve, some of them are protectors for others. If you (Muslims) do not do what Allah has commanded, there will be chaos in the earth and great destruction." (QS Al-Anfaal 73).
Meanwhile, Ustadz Hartono Ahmad Jaiz called them dangerous because they were "modest" lacked a strong foundation of scientificity and did not have established aqidah. (see Liberal Islam Hazards: 40, 64-65)
Maraji ': As Sunnah 04 / VI / 1423/2002

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