Islam and Socialism

In terms of eliminating unnecessary interest and income from one's ownership, Islam also supports the distribution of welfare. Islamic religious tax, called zakat, asks every Muslim to give 2.5% of his property to be distributed to anyone who needs it every year. Usually, the great difference in well-being discourages and generosity for those who need encouragement. Islam also advocates the formation of a community where people involved in each other know each other and help together.
A strong and reformed community that conducts activities together is reminiscent of the collectivity of anarchism and is very different from the capitalist labor market, where workers can be bought and sold like a commodity. Another Islamic teaching is the absence of a religious hierarchical system. There are no institutions that are comparable to the church, or the hierarchical hierarchical system. Imams in Islam are people who have studied Islam completely and have an open mind in all things, their role is only as advisors, not as rulers. With that, Islam can be called a personal religion, and every Muslim has his own special relationship with his God, without intermediaries.
Muslims believe in brotherhood over all nations, in this anarchism called Anti-Racist. Obviously this aspect of the equation solidifies the bridge between Islam and anarchism. When Islam avoids creating hierarchical religious institutions, Anarchist critics of religious organizations (based on criticism of the church) have never touched upon Islam itself. With regard to this, some liberal Muslims have never felt any opposition between the two parties, because Islam only applies submission to God, and is not subject to the system of clergy.

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