Women's Function in the Household

Men who work so hard to extract sweat outside the home need a wife who can please, relieve, calm, relieve body and mind fatigue and give new hope and enthusiasm to fulfill their duties in the following days. This kind of wife's duty is impossible to be done as well as possible by career women. Because the career woman who works all day outside the home, also faces problems and a very large mental burden, maybe even heavier with what is experienced by the man.
In these circumstances, the question finally arises: "Are husbands who entertain their wives, or do wives comfort their husbands, or are both busy with fatigue themselves, so that they are equally indifferent? Or does each seek their own entertainment, or outside the home together looking for entertainment, or should you practice how to live together, so that if there is boredom it does not cause more severe responsibilities? If this kind of household life happens, then both husband and wife will both suffer bitter and bitter, and the children who live in such a household will only witness confusion and breathless plays. A new generation of Europeans living under a deified system of emancipation and career women have experienced alienation, anxiety, chaos and mental shock.
The statistics of the chaos of Western life itself are evidence of the negative impact on the lives of children, husbands and wives themselves in their communities. Whereas in the hadiths the Prophet mentioned the characteristics of a righteous wife, as follows:
1. Relieve the heart when seen. This is in the hadith of Ibn Majah from a friend of Abu Umamah AI-Bahily. "For a male believer, after taqwa to Allah, there is nothing most useful for him, other than a pious wife, namely: obeying when he is instructed, comforting when seen, nrima when given a promise, and keeping the honor of himself and her husband, when her husband left "(HR. 1bnu Majah)
2. Can be given the mandate This matter was narrated by friend Sa 'ad bin Abi Waqash that the Messenger of Allah said: There are three kinds of luck, namely:
1. a good wife, if you see it is a relief and if you stay away she is trustworthy and maintains her honor and your wealth.
2. The obedient horse and its fast running so that it can take you after your friends. 3. The big house that many guests visit. (HR. Judge)
3. Provide a calm atmosphere and peace of mind.
This is what God says in QS. 30:21
"Among the signs of His power, namely He creates a partner for yourself of your own kind, so that you can gain peace with him and He makes a sense of love and affection between you. Indeed in that heart are signs (power ) for those who think. "

4. Helps maintain faith and worship.
This was stated by the Messenger of Allah in his saying:
"Whoever is given by Allah a righteous wife, then indeed he has been given help by Allah reaching for half his religion. Then let him fear Allah in keeping the other half." (HR Thabrani and Hakim).

The divine provision which has placed men and women in their respective functions according to their nature, is an axiom that cannot change. Everything that is in nature, God has given patented functions and tasks. The earth is destined to rotate on its axis, so does the moon and stars make everything in the world run regularly and comfortably to inhabit. So it is also the case with the functions and tasks imposed on men and women in this world. If we try to violate this divine axiom.

then the disaster will be the result and we must be prepared to accept all the consequences of its destruction. On the contrary, if we obey completely what has become a divine axiom, then the health, tranquility, peace, brotherhood, unity and enjoyment of this world can always be felt in an unimaginable way. Because God will bestow all His mercy on mankind who will obey and obey His provisions. Let us walk the path to achieving goodness.


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