How to Make a Mother's Black Forest Kitchen

Material :
8 btr Eggs (medium size)
60 grams of powdered chocolate
40 gr cornstarch
100 gr flour
1 tbsp emulsifier
100 grams of butter, melted.
200 grams of sugar
T tsp vanilli

500 grams of butter cream

100 gr dark cooking chocolate
10 red cherry nuts
1 cup black cherry, strain separate the water.

How to make :
1. Mix flour, chocolate powder and cornstarch, mix well.
2. Beat the eggs, sugar and emulsifier until it expands and
thick, add the flour mixture while sifting, stirring until mixed
flat, add melted butter and mix well.
3. Pour in a 20 cm midline round baking sheet, oven until
ripe, chill.
4. Cut transverse into three parts, wet with water
black cherry.
5. Place one layer of cake, top with butter cream, then arrange
black cherry hemisphere on top, stack on top of the second layer of topical
and give black cherry again, stack the top layer again, trim.
6. Rub all the cake with butter cream, decorate with dark
cooking chocolate shaved to cover all.
7. Spray butter cream, decorate with red cherry.

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